( L ) G B T

Just found out my crush is racist —28/3/19

Yeah I feel dumb now

So she just got a girlfriend... —24/5/19

That quick


I thought I had time smh

She's A lesbian too?? — 15/5/19

Hunny, today, I found out that my crush was a lesbian, and she didn't even like her boyfriend (she came out as lesbian to everyone today, even her boyfriend !! and she broke up with him).

On my way home, I was smiling like a fool because I know I can get her. Because, first of all, im cute, second of all im cute, third of all im like... a really good person....

what am I kidding, Im stressed out, really stressed out. But happy because she's a lesbian but, im quiet. And getting to know her without seeming awkard would be hard

My crush —2/5/19

bby, you a hoe. you need to break up with your boyfriend (because we all know your gay) and date me. hunny, i know i ain't "thicker than a bowl of oatmeal", but you honestly... need me

Using homophobic slurs against me? —26/4/19

well, my dad is out here calling me slurs when he gets mad... like, for real. Your daughter? Thats kind of messed up not gonna lie. And seriously, just because I called you sensitive? So butthurt smh

Comming out story —11/4/19

I was on the computer in my room working on this website, and my mother walked in. She asked if I were gay. I was extremly shoked by this so I asked her why she had asked this question. She said it was because I was getting older now and she wants to know what direction I am going in. I joked and said I was. My mother was obviously upset because she was serious. So I told her saying this is actually harder than it looks, so she told me to just say 'b' if I like boys, or 'g' if I like girls. —I said g. She asked me if I felt a sense if relief and I smiled replying, "yeah, I really do". Later on that said that she also asked me because I was saying how ugly aquaman is when walking in slow-mo. We joked and she said, "but its okay when Wonder Woman does it? Just like your father!". I think im truely lucky for my mother to react like this... but my father still doesn't know (He might secretly know).